About the DEV
As the professional association of the German enamel industry, the DEV offers its members, among other things, the following services:
- the opportunity to participate in industry/product-specific working groups and topic-related committees
- Training and further education events (carried out on behalf of DEV by the IBE / Informations- und Bildungszentrum Email e.V.)
- Cost-effective participation in the IBE’s three-part enamel course leading to the Association’s recognised examination
- Support for technical questions
- Representing interests to institutions and organisations
- Taking care of the organisation of joint participations in trade fairs and exhibitions
- Press and public relations work on topics related to the enamel industry.
- Coordination of cooperation with international associations and organisations
Visit the IBE Education pages for more information on our training and development programmes.
Of course, our office will also be more than happy to provide you with any advice and assistance you may require in this regard!